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Easy Like Sunday

What could be better than to be in my "mauve thing" on Pop's bed?
Sorry I haven't been around much lately to comment on blogs and even update this blog. TW has been under the weather with bad bronchitis that won't go away. As you can see, we're just chillin' today. Have safe 4th of July!

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  1. I hope your human feels better soon, CK! Although it does mean you get to take it extra-easy.

  2. Miss Cathy, You don't need to say sorry at all. But I'm glad to hear from you. Me and mom are so sorry your TW has been under the weather. I do lots of purrs for TW to get better.
    Happy 4th to you and TW
    Please Take Care

  3. Happy Independence Day everyone! I sure hope TW is all better now!

  4. Happy Independence Day! I hope your mom feels better soon.

  5. Happy 4th sweetie. I do hope TW get well soon. I'm sending her healing purrs purr purr purr purr. Oh, may I suggest you purr for her too instead of putting the bitey on her. haha - you night find it works better.

  6. Have a Wonderful Independence Day!
    Give your TW some extra purrs from us.

  7. CK, hope you had a good hiding place for the 4th of July! Purrs to TW for her to feel better and be in good health pronto.

  8. Hi CK! I've missed you, but my Human has been away so I haven't been around to comment either! Hope your Human is recovering! You look super-comfertabuls there ;-)


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