Hola kitties! Are you ready to dance? I like to give myself a challenge which is why I forced TW to take part in the Pet Blogger Challenge last week. It made her depressed for days but I was happy cos I got comments and traffic.Woohoo! My challenge today is the prompt of this Music Monday. Normally I wouldn't participate but, you know, the challenge.

The prompt says "The National Day calendar inspired song titles/lyrics using keywords: mail, soup and vacuum." I see yesterday was Homemade Soup Day and Thank a Letter Carrier Day but didn't see anything about vacuums. In fact, a search on Days of the Year dot com yielded no results. Oh well.
One of the cohosts of the Music Moves Me blog host, Curious as a Cathy came up with the prompt and I'm up for the challenge. We searched our iTunes and didn't come up with much. We didn't like the choice that came up for "vacuum"—Till Tuesdays' "Love in a Vacuum"—so we're picking two "soup" songs. We can't believe Robyn Hitchcock never came up with a song with "vacuum" in the title and if he did, we ain't got it.
Our first pick is our good friend from Athens, GA, the late Vic Chesnutt's "Onion Soup" from his 1995 CD Is the Actor Happy. Vic lived hard and died young.
The second song isn't in our iTunes library but TW used to sing it to her mom all the time. Carole King's "Chicken Soup With Rice" never failed to make Gramma laugh. She thought TW had made the silly song up. King wrote and recorded it for the children's musical Really Rosie. Bet you can't stop singing "sippin' once, sippin' twice, sippin' chicken soup with rice." Trust me, TW hasn't stopped all weekend. If she wasn't singing this song, it was the next one.
The last prompt is mail. Lemme tell you something about mail. I get more mail addressed to me than the peeps do addressed to them. That's why it was extremely galling when my furrend Lily Lu informed me that not only did she get a card she sent me back but when she told me what happened. It was delivered to the wrong mailbox and the neighbor five doors down used two stamps to mail it back to her with "doesn't live here" scrawled on the envelope. You think he would have put it in our mail box and let us decide if it was our's or not. Humans can be rude.

Hope my choices left you dancing in the aisle and singing along. Since there were no vacuum songs, here's a vacuum photo. I'm not scared of nothing. Are you?
Nice take on the prompt!
ReplyDeleteWe love these tunes and REALLY like the first photo, so like an album cover THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A REAL ONE! All paws up here!
ReplyDeleteWell, that was different. Can't say I ever heard of these tunes, but congrats for finding tunes to fit our theme. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteGood work on the challenge except you have given me a chicken soup ear worm now.
ReplyDeleteIt is annoying when a card you have sent out comes back. That happened to me 2 or 3 years ago. I had sent it to a blogger and had sent cards to her for years with no problem. When it came back it said there was no such address. I emailed her a photo of the returned envelope in case I had somehow addressed it wrong but it was as it should be. Maybe the postman was having an off day and couldn't be bothered to deliver it.
Knowing two out of three songs ain't bad but the amazing part was learning (new to me) about Vic Chesnutt. What a life story! And oh yes, people can be rude with the mail, but I also remember a time, several months ago, where someone in our neighborhood appeared at our house with several letters she found lying in the street - apparently the mailman took them from our outgoing and dropped them. One of them was a bill we were paying and we were so grateful for that kindness.
ReplyDeleteI love REM! Great choice, CK!
ReplyDeleteThat is SO cool that you were in the audience for that concert!!! You did a great job finding songs for the prompt, and as I said on FB, love that record graphic!
ReplyDeleteTwo great minds coming up with the same Carole King ditty! Your others are new-to-me, so thanks for that share! The photo of Keisha and the vacuum cleaner made me smile and her bold statement of not being afraid of anything. What a brave puddy tat! Thanks for hitting the dance floor with the 4M gang, dearie. Have a boogietastic week!
CK - The housekeeper zeroed right in on the R.E.M tune..no real music for vacuuming around here, but when she works herself up in a frenzy esp. for bathroom cleanings, it's usually Van Hoosit or Aerosmith. Me? I make sure I'm on the opposite floor when she brings out the dust dragon. - Tom x
ReplyDeleteck.....we haz knot hurd R.E.M. ina while; thanx for de trip down memoreez lane; & thanx for de trip WAY bak in time with Carole King; a HS friend oh de FSG idolized her ~~~~ de friend used ta sing Carole's toonz at her locker all de time ~ ☺☺♥♥
ReplyDeleteYou did well with the challenge. I passed on the hop this week because I could not think of any songs. You are quite brave too. XO
ReplyDeleteWell, CK, my Human is completely useless (surprise!) on the topic of music (after about 1975) as she is on many topic of interest to me. We'll go with P.S. I Love You--how does that work (for mail, I mean, or really any other way you want to take it!) XOXO
ReplyDeleteEven the songwriters and singers know the evility of vacuums! That must be why no one sings about them!
ReplyDeleteWe know that you would never back away from a challenge, CK! Great choices!
ReplyDeleteGreat choices - you did the theme total justice! :) Thanks so much for the dance! :)
ReplyDeleteY'all made this challenge so fun! Thanks for the dance.