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Cat World Domination Day Foto Frenzy

Cat World Domination Day Foto Frenzy

How many of you know it's Cat World Domination Day? Lemme see a show of paws. Everybuddy knows cats already own the Interwebs; what they may not all realize is we own the world too. Just like the great human Dr. King, my furrend Sparkle had a dream. Her dream was that Cat World Domination Day be celebrated as a holiday on this day annually. Sparkle may have passed on but her legacy, Cat World Domination Day, will live on. All cats are created equal but they are superior to humans.

Today is also Friday so I've put together another frenzy of unedited fotos for your viewing pleasure. We're starting with a pick of #5321 by the Trout Towne Tabbies. I may look calm and docile in this foto but I'm plotting world domination. If I concentrate, I can come up with a plan that can't fail. I've claimed the Tree of Pain as my own. Soon this whole entire condo will be mine and then the world. OK, truth of told, most of it already is.—the condo, that is. TW took 14 fotos that day of this paw dangle. She took them from the left; she took them from the right. She took some using flash and some like this one without flash. One constant is how stunning I look.

Cat World Domination Day Foto Frenzy

The Trout Towne Tabbies also chose this next foto #674 where you can see I've completely dominated the expensive Lenox holiday ornaments. The peeps were Christmas tree decorating and of course they left me in charge of their most expensive ornaments, one of which is dangerously close to the table's edge. That's cos I'm the head of this household, Please ignore all the other [expletive deleted] stuff on the table. I spoke sternly to the peeps about that after the tree decorating was complete.

Cat World Domination Day Foto Frenzy

#1088 was requested by the Island Cats. I hope they see this since their mom-person is gallivanting all over Phoenix without them. This may appear to be a random foto but TW took 14 fotos of me mastering my domination of the Ultimate scratching post which you can kinda see in the lower part of the pic. I had finished working my claws and was eyeing a coated hair tie which was sitting on top of it. From the dynamics of the shot, it appears the post is about seven feet tall or I'm a midget. Good job TW.

Happy posthumous Birthday to Sparkle and Happy Cat World Domination to every cat. Do you have a special place where you curl up and dream of world domination?

Cat World Domination Day Foto Frenzy

Don't forget to enter to win some cat food—Solid Gold Holistic Delights Cream Bisques to be exact. Only a few more days left to enter. With all the cat bloggers at Blogpaws, your chances have improved. Remember, you can get entries by tweeting daily.

Would you like to comment?

  1. I have no doubt at all that you have dominated everything and everyone in your apartment! Love the pictures!

  2. Thanks for spreading the word about Cat World Domination Day, CK! I'm celebrating at BlogPaws - and having TWO giveaways on my blog!

  3. We totally forgot about Cat World Domination Day today. We'll head over to see what Summer is up to!

  4. You always dominate the blooging world CK!

  5. Loved your post and the Fishy friends choices were great as were the Island Cats.

    Your picture of Cat Domination was subperb.
    Gee, I am being nice to you today....what's wrong with me? Get ya next time CK.


  6. The Trout Towne Tabbies always seem to pick the best pictures of you. So I'm in your top 2 or 3! You have given me a renewed spring in my step!

  7. Whoa we forgot it was Cat world domination day...well we think we dominant our world pretty good. Way to go CK!

  8. Those are great photo choices. You are definitely a kitty that could rule the world.

  9. Nice photos, CK! We love that one of you on the Tree of Pain. Talk about domination! :)

  10. uz late two de partee; but why iz we just NOW... see in thiz in R reeder.....googlee bloggee.... ????

    in fact we haz like 4 postz oh yurz showin up two day.... mudpie's two

    answerz any one frum blogger HQ ???


    oh kay then, total lee awesum fotoz oh yur stunning self az all wayz; N fess up...did any thing on de tay bull get pushed intenshunull lee... ore other wize... two de floor { 674 } ☺☺☺♥♥♥


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