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Wednesday Word—Challenge

Whoa! Are these all mine?

Last week, Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal challenged me to take the Mice Bucket Challenge. If you know me, you know I never back down from a challenge or dare. I instructed TW to collect all my smousy toys and place them in this bucket which once held a hunnert pounds of chicken sliders and fries which all went to the peeps’ hips I’m sure. I’ll pause to mention I didn’t get any of the sliders.

Before I show you my video, I get to pass the buck challenge on to some other cats. I picked King Spitty, Austin Towers and my BFGF Savannah Pawtracks but anyone who wants to do it is welcome. After you make the video, you make a donation to a shelter or charity. I picked Tabby’s Place. I got 51 comments on my commentathon so I’m gonna make TW tack some dough on to the end of that $25 she promised.

Without further doodoo, here’s my video. You can watch it on YouTube also.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Well done CK!! I think you were brave (and insane) and wow you have so many mice!!!!

    Harvey Button

  2. CK! You have 4,000,000,012 mousies!
    That is a lot!

  3. Excellent challenge, CK!

    We can't believe you filled that whole bucked with your mouses. Wowza!

  4. Paws up on a great commenthon, CK! And I think you took the Mice Bucket challenge like a champ!

    P.S. I watched it on YouTube and I just want to say one of the supposedly "related" videos was "Never Gonna Give You Up." I think you've been Rick Rolled!

  5. We are MOLing at Summer's comment. We can't believe that your mice bucket challenge got Rick Rolled!

  6. BOL BOL we love the mouse bucket challenge. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. Well done CK we too have been challenged by Charlie to do the challenge..just searching behind couches for all the mice the girls have stashed :) hugs Fozziemum xxx

  8. Well done CK - you didn't let on for one minute that you might have been just a bit stunned at the number of mice in that bucket! Bravo!

    Hugs, Sammy

  9. You are furry brave! An' you also haf a gazillion more mousies than we do--the dbd keeps eatin' ours!

  10. Break neck speed saved you from all those mice! Very good CK!!! Pawsome!

  11. Oh noes!!!! You nominated ME???? hahaha How long have I got before I expire if I don't do it? I shall have to get together with the Spitster and Miss Savvy to maximise the impact!!! Thank you very much CK! Oh and may I say how cool you were after the initial shock!! Very Cool!! Xox

  12. awesum mice bucket challenge CK...N yea, ewe due haza bunch oh mice, N yea be VEREE happee TW getted de burd fill ayz ♥

  13. Well done, CK, great Mice Bucket Challenge ! Purrs

  14. Dat's pawsum CK.

    Luv ya'


  15. Ha ha - at least you sniffed them. That is more than what I would do. Good video tho sweetie. That's a ton of mousies!

  16. Well done CK. You took your challenge like a champ.

  17. C.K., it appears as if your peep chickened out when it came to actually dumping those on you, but if you make that donation, we guess your off the hook. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  18. And we thought our kitty had lots of mousies! BOL!

  19. Pawsome, CK! Wally was challenged by Cory so he'll be doing the mice bucket challenge later this week.

  20. Nice job with that challenge, CK! Holy cat that's a lot of mice!

  21. Mice bucket challenge? hahaha!!! That's a new one! Love it!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  22. Nicely done, CK!!!
    ...There must have been a hunnert mices in there!!!
    xo, Katie

  23. Loving this mice bucket challenge. So funny.

  24. Great challenge, CK. That is a lot of mousies!!

  25. OMC poor CK!! You almost dumped them on her head! MOL!

  26. Great job CK !
    In da video , you are absolutely lady :)
    Thanks a lot for birthday wish

  27. Concats on your Comment-a-thon! Nice Micebucket! You were a trooper, barely fazed :)

  28. NOOOOOOOOOO!!! You CHALLENGED MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! You Know I am terrified of ANYTHING coming from ABOVE my head!!! AIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!!hmmmmmm...can I sub The Kid Sage????

  29. I knew you wouldn´t turn a challenge down :)

    Sorry for being so late to comment it :(
    My hopeless mom-person have been on the run/trip to Madrid in Spain and then she came home she have been working a lot.


  30. What a fun idea CK. Very nice rescue to donate too. Lots of our bloggie furends love Tabbys Place and we do too.


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