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A Good One and A Loser

Uh oh! TW decided to save the blog we’ve been working on for another day. This leaves us her without a fresh idea. I’m in the throes of a fine nap and can’t be bothered think of a single thing. Tell you what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna post a few Foto Frenzy fotos but first I want to thank you for the great response. When I axed for numbers, just about all of you obliged which is more than I can say for the 13 people that my Facebook post reached. *shakes head* Facebook is like the area between TW’s ears—an empty space.

The above foto is the most recent one we’ve put on the computer. We be playing with an elastic string.

#3177. Truffles at Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries & Meows picked first and she picked this one which turns out to be a foto that I’ve run a number of times, only it was cropped. When Pop was laid off last year, he cleaned out his desk and brought some neat stuff home including this kitty-size basketball! While I never batted it around, it made a hella item to pose with. CK’s got game!


Charlie Rascal aka Kjelle Bus picked 333 and if he didn’t, this one wouldn’t ever see the light of day. It says it was created in 2008 but I dunno. Nothing exciting about this one. Nice job focusing, Woman! Pfffftttt!


I’ll have more for you later in the week. How’s your week shaping up?

Would you like to comment?

  1. We love these! Can't wait to see more.

    Have a great Monday, CK!

  2. My week are ok - no bacon, but I did get a lil shrimpy.

  3. I so love this idea! My human's photo numbers are all screwy, between all the different cameras she has used, and the photos she has deleted or never downloaded.

  4. Mom is impressed that your photos are numbered and you can find them that way! I really like that little basketball.

  5. Nice one CK and look forward to more. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. These are very nice photos! That kitty size basket ball is very cool :-) I really like the second photo, simple and beautiful!

  7. The photo with you and the basketball is really cute, CK!

  8. Mom is no where as organized with her pics like yours!

    Cats of wildcat woods

  9. Good idea and if I can still add a photo...1111

  10. But we like the third one! You know it is very hard not to take a good picture of you!~

  11. Wow... 13? Facebook is just wonky... I think all of the pics are nice! Especially that basketball one.

  12. WE like all of those photos, CK! 13? Seriously???

  13. I love 'em all cause you're stunning ANY year.

  14. Excitin' or not Ck, ifin yous in 'em they be worff keepin and showin'. Yous lookin' gweat.

    Luv ya'


  15. Oh shoot, we must have missed a couple of posts were you were taking votes. Oh well, it would have been hard to pick just one when all your photo's are great cuz you are Stunning!

  16. You look stunningly beautiful in both photos. My week is starting to get better after mum thought I wasn't going to make it to today.I am sure that it is inhaling your wondrous furrs that has set me on the road to recovery.

  17. ck...hope all is well at merlot mansion, things R knot too bad heer coz de food gurl went bak ta werk N we R raisin hell, uh, we R enjoyin a nice...oh, who R we kiddin, we R raisin hell !! ♥

  18. We've been kind of missing cause Jan has had crossed eyes. Uh, crossed wires. So we're not sure what you refer to with FB and numbers in the same paragraph. But we always enjoy your posts.

  19. I musta missed the picking!!!! Great pics :) I hear you re the facebook black hole!!

  20. We love your Foto Frenzy photos. Such a fun idea to go through the archives like that.

  21. You DJ AND play basketball? Just when we think you can't get any cooler... Great photos!

  22. I love your whiskers in the first photo.

  23. Sorry we're so late...your blog didn't show up in our news feed this morning for some reason :(

    This is such a cool idea...the number we picked randomly turned out to be a winner!

  24. My week is hell, thank you, and likely to get worser.

    333 makes my heart go pittypatpittypatpittypat. You look soooo sweet and adorables!

    What is that think comin' out of your left ear in the elastic string picture?

    Do you miss me, darling? It's ALL the Human's fault. There is just NUFFING good happening around here.

  25. I love this number photo thing your doing! Such a great idea!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  26. Both pictures are great ! Ours are ordered by number too ! Purrs

  27. Great photos! Thanks for sharing...

    Noodle and crew

  28. I like the golden ribbon, but the ball looks too much like a doggie toy to me.
    Wishing you a good end of the week!

  29. I think they are great because they are of Stunning YOU CK!

  30. CK, May we select another #, or is it only one per blog? If we can have a second pick as well, we select #3003. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  31. Well CK you can alway´s use 333 for a artsy photo :)



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