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Uncle Don—RIP

My Uncle Don passed away this week at the age of 85. He left behind my Aunt Amy, 3 grown children and several grandkids. He loved animals and raised a family of animal lovers. He was also a WW II veteran. Just like me, he didn't believe in harming or abusing animal in any way. For a while, Uncle Don even had a farm, which was really cool! When his granddaughter had to pick a charity to volunteer for in high school, she picked the Brookes Legacy Animal Rescue. Her Mom wound up volunteering with them also. My Aunt Karen works with animals in her real job too with Ark Naturals, which sell natural products for pets. In fact, Uncle Don was so passionate about animals that his family has asked friends to donate in his name to the West Milford Animal Rescue, where he adopted many animals. I was going to add one of those Chip-In gadgets for them but The Woman refuses to get a PayPal account cos a friend of hers had a bad experience w/PayPal. I never met Uncle Don but I wish I had.

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  1. You write beautifully sweetie. Your Uncle be very proud of you. What an amazing man to serve your country and be such a help with animals. I think that is wonderul to donate in his name to this rescue. Much loves and hugs and purrs to you. xo

  2. This is very nice tribute to your uncle Don! RIP uncle Don !you did your uncle an your family proud !


  3. We have paypal acct for a while with no problem. Anyway, would go to that animal rescue website and donate in the name of your uncle. SeattleP

  4. So sorry to hears about your Uncle! Dat is so wonderfur dat he loved animals and passed dat alongs to his family. Many Purrrrrrrrrrrrs for you and your family!

  5. Sorry for your uncle, se seemed to be a great person. Your blog is delicious ! What a DIVA !
    We are 2 cats (ok, and 2 stupid dogs) from Brasil (unfortunately our blog is witten in portuguese) and we think that you already is a superstar !
    Meows for you

  6. Cathy I'm so sorry for your family's loss - I bet he was a really interesting man.


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