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Monday Musings

Don't you just love wash day? The peeps take their clean sheets out of the dryer. They are so nice and warm. Then before they can fold them to put them away, you're laying there, doing your own washing.

But they have to spoil the moment by taking out the flashy box, so you try to shield your sensitive eyes:

You know you're not gonna get me off these clean sheets, woman, so don't even try it.

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  1. But at least you've got everything covered nicely!

  2. That's a kitteh's job to ensure those sheets stay nice and warm, so you did good!!

  3. that's right! Don't even try it! Who wants to wash themselves on dirty sheets? That defeats the purpose!

  4. That botom picture of you is extra cute CK. I love fresh clean sheets - they feel so good under the fur.

  5. Cathy, I would do exactly the same as you, No Way, I'm going to move..We cats are the boss, They can talk to our tail ..heh..heh

  6. Uh yes, fresh laundry is the best to curl up on and groom oneself, isn't it? (PS: Do you have your mobile nearby?)

  7. Clean sheets are the property of the resident kitty - that's a Cat Rule.


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