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Peace Boxes

This is a very special box containing Peace & Love so I'm guarding it
In 2006, Franck de Las Mercedes initiated "The Priority Boxes Art Series," a peace initiative that has evolved into a movement. The artist ships abstractly painted, seemingly empty boxes with a label that reads "Fragile, handle with care: Contains peace" to people around the world. The aim of the boxes is to spark dialogue and challenge people to reconsider their ability to influence change and question the fragility, value and priority given to concepts such as peace. De Las Mercedes has shipped more than 8,000 boxes to countries and cities across the globe from urban and rural America to Asia and South Africa. Although Franck and his work have been featured on national and international television and radio, much of the requests he gets are from word of mouth and blogs such as this one.

The woman first read about the boxes in her local paper over a year ago. She immediately e-mailed Mr. de Las Mercedes. It took a while because the first box he sent was returned by the Post Office or Concierge, but we got our box this week. It was worth waiting for. Each box is completely unique. No two are alike which makes them more alluring. Our box is not only beautiful but the message means a lot. It's much more to us than a box and much more than a work of art. My peeps have been involved in the peace movement for most of their lives so we hold this box dear to our hearts.

CK #purrs4peace next to her Peace Box

The boxes are free but donations are welcome. You can write to the artist at It's one free box per customer and the current waiting time, according to his website, is 4-8 months. Please include your name, address and tell them you read about the project on this blog.

Please go to Mr. de Las Mercedes' site to view his abstracts and portraits, which are gorgeous, and even think about buying one. This month, he has an exhibit at he daas Gallery in Fort Myers, FL. You can also view his work on Facebook.

Would you like to comment?

  1. I like the peace box. We'll have to try to get one :) SeattleP

  2. Love the new background for your blog, btw. Just when I think you can't possibly be more stunning, you prove me wrong ;-).

    This is a wonderful initiative! I love the concept and the good feelings that it brings. Once I move back to Boston I think I want to ask for a peace box :-).

  3. Love the peace box; love you too! purrs4peace

  4. That is really a cool and unique idea!

  5. What a great idea! Your peace box is beautiful!

  6. I LOVE THE NEW BACKGROUND!!!! Fabulous!

    I think the message that these boxes convey are beautiful, what a wonderful man to do this. Thank you for sharing the info with all of us.

    On a humorous note, I know you are slightly "cracked" like I am (that is a complement!!!), I need to be locked what Cindy above said............I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing...I think you will see what I mean if I somewhat know you like I think I do!!! (evil snicker!!!)

  7. Wow - what a cool and unique idea. I'm putting my order in tonight. Thanks CK.

  8. Never heard of him or the box. Thanks for posting about it! Great idea!


  9. This is really cool. We are going to ask for a box. Thanks for sharing.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  10. What a great story and a beautiful box. Peace.

  11. Thanks for sharing this! I'm having Mom order one for me.

  12. Great Post Ck...I look forward to our cartoon.


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