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Anipal Photo Hunt #11: Trick or Treat!

Today is not only Howloween but it's my Pop's birthday. I hope he has a wonderful day and I'll purr all day for him. I don't usually do Blog Hops but this one is special. We love Howloween but since we live in an apartment complex, we don't get many trick or treaters. The building used to send around a sign-up list for the owners who welcomed the little devils but they don't anymore so TW put up a sign on the door to our unit. The sign features my picture in the pumpkin carving so I'm not complaining. I hope some kids come by so the peeps won't have to binge on all the candy themselves.

A CK pumpkin. Are you scared yet?

How about a CK gargoyle? Did we scare you?


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  1. Boo to you too, CK, and Happy Halloween!

  2. Happy Halloween CK! Love the pumpkin! xoxo

  3. Happy Halloween & happy birthday pops. What a day for him to celebrate. We've had about 28 monsters so far. Pretty soon the candy will be gone and M says she'll turn the light off. They are starting to drive kids in now from who knows where. One kid even carried 3 extra bags she said were for her "brothers." Dat made M a little mad.

  4. Have a great Halloween CK !
    Your decoration look awesome

  5. Those rea really great pictures! Happy Halloween!!!

  6. You make a great gargoyle. One of my sisfurs does too. I like that jackolantern carving of you! We don't get any trick or treaters because we have a very long driveway and the kids are too lazy. What is the world coming to when kids are too lazy to walk and get candy? Happy Howloween!


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