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Sheer Genius

If this tissue paper was SHEER, I’d be able to participate in the PhotoHunt.
But it’s not. Their loss.

It’s Caturday and that means I’m participating in Athena and Marie’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. Click the link to see the other bloggers taking part. It’s a good time for all.

Some weeks we try all different effects and nothing seems right. Other times we press Apple + i and get a wonderful super-duper psychedelic inverted effect that we didn’t expect at all. That’s what happened last week when I was getting images ready for TW’s b-day post. It kinda looks like I’m in the sand by the ocean cos that’s what that blue looks like. That’s actually the bed’s headboard! I think it’s sheer genius! What do you think?

Today my art image is a birthday card for my friend, Debbie aka Glogirly. She designs my blog headers and does a wonderful job. Stop by and wish her a Happy Birthday.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Cool effect, CK! We will have to wish Glogirly a happy birthday too!

  2. Yes! It does look like the ocean--you look a little...strange...with your colors inverted though. I like you best in your natural state!!!

  3. What a cool image! The headboard does look like ocean and it's like you are on the beach. This got very unique effect on your coat, too. Happy birthday to Glogirly. Have a lovely weekend :-)

  4. That is terrific CK and we sure admire your talent!

  5. We like it lots. Sometimes you never know what is going to happen when you try one of these effects, and they truly can turn your ordinary photo into something stunning...just like you! Have a great weekend. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  6. My Girl! You are awesome pawsome!

  7. Great art work and Happy Birthday, Glo Girly!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  8. Wow CK what a super effect ..I must start having some fun with mine..once I cull them urgghghgg and we send birthday greetings to Glogirly :) hugs Fozziemum xx

  9. We totally agree CK ! Glogirly makes an amazing job (she's just redesigned our blog too). Your header rocks ! Purrs

  10. Love your photos, and we just came from GloGirly's blog and wished her a happy birthday too!
    Have a great weekend!ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  11. Great work CK and a happy birthday to Debbie.

  12. Great effects. Mom Paula hasn't had time to mess around with our photos lately. In fact, she's going back a few months just to find a picture to post because she hasn't had time to take new pictures.

  13. Cool effect, you are invited to share this with Feline Art Friday:

  14. The blue does look like the ocean. I can just picture myself walking in the sand with a beautiful ladycat. ;)

  15. We love the negative effect on your furs!

  16. CK, I guess you is going to wrap your self and send to Me !!!...Right ?

  17. Great photos for tissue - I'm a huge fan of the stuff. Mom gives me two fresh sheets to replace the worn out ones every week. This week's color is PURPLE. I'm liking it!

    Happy Sunday
    Hugs, Sammy

  18. Awww...CK! We weren't visiting blogs yesterday and are just catching up now. Thank you SO much for the beautiful and sweet birthday card. You and TW are just the BEST! XOXO

    P.S. Thank you so much for helping to make our comment-a-thon a huge success! xo, Katie & Waffles

  19. very nice BFGF creative as always

  20. Cool stuff! Well, that's kind of all too familiar for my secretary, she never knows what will happen when editing pictures even though she thinks she does!

  21. Congrats! I has nominated ya for da Shine On Award - ya can pick it up here: Whether ya do da post or not, da award are yours!

  22. Plus, TOTALLY apropos - the card to GLOgirly ...GLOWS!


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