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Wednesday Word of the Day—Trapped

I felt trapped. I couldn't get past her. I couldn't even send Pop an SOS.

Yes, I was held hostage against my will. Here's the 411. I've been sleeping in Pop's room almost every night; although I hop onto my pillow on TW's bed after my early morning feeding. I stay there until I hear Pop get up. He's been getting up later and later since his forced retirement. As soon as I hear him stir, I go RUNNING into his room for some good loving. Before he shaves, he picks me up and cuddles me. I purr and purr and melt into his loving arms.

I know; I'll pretend I'm asleep. Maybe she'll go away.
Sunday morning, TW got up first and was futzing around. Then she heard Pop get up. Before I could react, she sat on the bed, effectively blocking my egress. She started talking softly to me like Pop does. I … I don't know what happened but I stayed. I was sleepy so I didn't realize what was going on at first. TW says I even started "pre"-purring but I still wouldn't let her pet me. I was trapped like a rat so I tried to make the most out of a bad situation.

I could hear Pop starting to shave and I knew that he was hurting that his Smokey Gray Diva wasn't there purring at his side. I hoped and purrayed that TW would go away and make breakfast or something. The soft lies kept coming. "I've never had a pretty little girl like you before." "You mean the world to me." "Oh, Cathy, you know I love you." Uh, I know nothing of the sort! All lies and empty words. I turned around and gave her the back of disrespect. She kept whispering. Finally I pretended to be asleep.

Meanwhile, Pop was wondering where I was. He didn't have an inkling of the foul play that befell me. I'm sure he wouldn't have been happy. I think she put some kind of voodoo spell on me cos when I finally was able to leave, I stood outside Pop's room but wouldn't enter. I felt so … violated. I hope TW isn't gonna make a habit of holding me hostage. [Ed. note: CK could've jumped off the bed if she wanted but she stayed. I'd go so far as to say she liked it!] Er, please disregard that last sentence. That editor's note was NOT approved by the cat!

Once freed, I'm showing my distaste for the entire incident.

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  1. How traumatic for you, CK! Maybe next time you should just sleep in Pop's room after your early morning feeding. Better safe than sorry, we say.

  2. Forced confinement - how awful! I have to deal with that too and it is even worse 'cause I have nowhere to go - my human's boyfriend, after all, is a DOG person!

  3. Stop kidding, CK, you are going soft in your old age!! That's what it is ;)

  4. Held hostage and confined, how awful. Have a wonderful free Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. How awful that TW held you as hostage !
    Hope you don´t get traumatized for life !!

  6. Poor CK what trauma...Hope that never happens again

  7. Poor CK, but you know girl, if you played your cards right, you'd get double the loving and attention. I say milk it for all it's worth.

  8. the cohen Brothers said it best: "Delmar O'Donnell: Them syreens did this to Pete. They loved him up and turned him into a horny toad. " Translates to "That there TW syreen did this to me! She up and turned me into mush."

  9. Woof! Woof! Awww How traumatic. Happy BlogPAWs NOT Wordless Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  10. Mario is right, CK...try milking it for all it's worth. xxoo

  11. ck...we tried ta warn ewe...watchin de dam pigeon brawl out on 57th yesterday leeved ewe...knot quite yur self....

    hope ewe will be bak noe time !

  12. Aw poor kitty! You didn't even get any treats out of it!

  13. That just isn't a good way to pass the time CK!

  14. What a sad state of affairs that you had to endure some of TW's love. We bet you soaked up every bit of it. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  15. Oh no, CK! We can't believe you had to endure that! And your poor Pop! Will he ever recover??

  16. Oh no! I hope that hostage thing won't happen again! But I guess TW wanted more of your attention... :-)
    I love the last picture. Great face expression!

  17. Oh CK, you make us laugh! Love those pics of you. Maybe the Gutt put a spell on you?...

  18. Darling, What **is** going on? I mean, first I let the Introodur BRUSH me and play with me and then you succumb to the blandishments of that Wicked Woman.

    Do you think Dick Cheney's putting something in the water?

  19. Way to goes CK! Its good to keeps em guessing!

  20. I sure hope you took a nice long bath after that.
    ; ) heh, heh

    xo, Katie

  21. You keep telling yourself that but, deep down, below the facade, I think you might just have liked it, a little bit. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

  22. The things cats have to endure. Oh my!

  23. Oh I dunno - there are WORSE things to endure. Like having your gooshey fud withheld or ... something like that.


  24. Wow, CK, that sure does sound horrible. You had to get all that mushy attention from TW. Ugh!

  25. You could try hiding in the bag again - it's very difficult to see you!


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