Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Bloopers. Bloopers. Bloopers.

Hola kitties! Are you ready for me to embarrass TW? Yes, it's time for me to show how bad a photographer she is. Bloopers. Bloopers. Bloopers. I'm participating in the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop. A blog hop is when a bunch of bloggers post about the same subject and we link them together so you, the reader, can easily find and be able to laugh at everyone's photo fails.

Bloopers. Bloopers. Bloopers.

TW didn't take too many photos this month since we were supposed to be taking the month off. HAH! There were mostly pics for the Chewy review and some other cutesy shots. Sometimes I'm led to believe she takes these awful pics so we can participate in the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop hosted by Miss Cuddlywumps, Paisley and Webster of the Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles blog. This blog hop takes place on the last Friday of each and every month. Everyone has an occasional photo fail so you should join in the fun.

Bloopers. Bloopers. Bloopers.

Where's Keisha? Ten points if you can find me in this photo. Pop couldn't find me. Heh heh. Hint: look for my paws and then follow them up to my ears. I think TW was taking pics of me looking over the shelf on the cat tree. Never one to cooperate, I looked down as she clicked the shutter. Instant blooper/photo fail. She actually did get some usable shots which you'll no doubt see one day.

Bloopers. Bloopers. Bloopers.

What has my rapt attention? It certainly isn't TW and the flashy box. This shoot was mostly photo fails. TW first tried some shots with the flash and I either had laser eyes or I looked away. Then she tried some without that came way too dark. She wanted a cute (read stunning) pic of me peeking around the scratching post. Better luck next time, Woman!

Bloopers. Bloopers. Bloopers.

Pop working at home provides many, many photo fails taken both by TW and Pop. In this photo fail, Pop is using his ibone to send some shots he took to TW while he should be working, I might point out. TW meanwhile figured wrongly that the light on the table as well as the natural light through the window would be enough so she didn't use the flash. The camera no doubt picked up on the light from the laptop while I'm bathed in yellow light from the lamp. Better luck next time, Woman!

Bloopers. Bloopers. Bloopers.

The Friendly Fill-Ins are hosted each and every week by 15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are underlined and in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. This week it relates to number three.

1. The best teacher I ever had was Tuna R'Son Kitty. He found me in da hood and taught me everything I needed to know to be self-sufficient.

2. The worst teacher I ever had was don't ax me, I'm a cat. TW admits she's too old to remember her teachers.

3. I recently learned how to enjoy water from the fountain. I'm not a water drinker but since I enjoy my kibble more than TW wants me too, I found it can make me thirsty. Every so often, I enjoy a beverage. That's what Pop calls it when he sees me imbibing from the fountain.

4. I think everyone cat should know how to coerce their humans into feeding them whenever they're hungryWhile I'm at it, all cats should know how to use their teeth and claws to defend themselves especially at the stabby place. And for the humans: I think every human should know how to do TNR to reduce the number of kittens born to unwed homeless cats. 

Bloopers. Bloopers. Bloopers.

I'll leave you with a photo fail from the shoot that the above fountain image came from. That blurry cat might or might not be myself. I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places. Until then, do you have any photo fails to show me?

Would you like to comment?

  1. My human says that combining different types of light is really difficult because each one has a different color temperature. It confuses the camera, even on manual, because you don't know where to set it - one part looks okay, then everything else looks wrong.

  2. We enjoyed those and there really isn't any bad CK photos I'm glad you're enjoying a beverage some!

  3. CK pawesome Fill-ins and great blooper pics too! MOL

    Wishing mew an epic weekend


    Basil & co xox

  4. OOHHH! I love your idea that every human should know how to TNR!

  5. We enjoyed the blooper photos and those are great answers for fill-ins! It's good to know how to use teeth and claws at the stabby place :-0

  6. Our oldest daughter now works at the stabby place. Her job is to try to calm kitties when they need their shots. She also calms other animals. They have one doggy there that really needs a good home. Have a great week.

  7. I actually don't think those photos are bad!!! Mine are way worse!!!

  8. Gosh, our Mom still thinks your photo fails are GREAT photos and not fails at all. She's not a cat so really, you have to cut her some slack here and there. GREAT fill-ins! We're happy you decided the fountain is worthy. It took us a while, too!

  9. I spotted you right away in that shot. Can't hide all that stunning!!

  10. Hey I liked the bloopers and found you adorable in each of them.

    The fill-ins were interesting and right on point.


  11. We still hold onto our belief that no photo starring CK could ever be a blooper. And your fill-ins are, as always, purrfect! Evan and Eddy say you are so right with #4, CK. Evan corners his mom in the kitchen until she relents and gives him his beloved coconut oil. And Eddy, well, she'll certainly use those claws when it comes to going to the stabby place. Purrs and happy Friday, CK!

  12. Aww, these aren't too bad, CK. After all, they (mostly) have you in them! :)

  13. I like your answers, particularly #4. Your bloopers are fun too.

  14. That first blooper cracks me up! We're very glad your blogging vacation didn't last for long :) Glad you're drinking a bit too, CK!

  15. I enjoyed your photo fails. I found you in that photo, but I am an expert at finding hiding cats. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree with #4, all kitties do need to know that and I do wish all humans would do TNR. I am glad you like your fountain, water is so important, especially when you eat kibble. Have a nice weekend! XO

  16. Oh, we're with you on the extra food thing. We've got it down to an art and if our Humans are off schedule, we can always con The Female Human into a second dinner. The Male Human is much harder to fool but a cat's gotta' do what a cat's gotta' do!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Oliver & The Tribe of Five at Feline Opines

  17. CK, even TW's photography skills doesn't minimize your stunning. And just for the record ... we think her photography is pretty awesome.

  18. CK! Darling, your Fill-in 4 was PAWSOME! And I gotta say, your photo fails would NOT be fails at this house!

  19. I think pet water fountains are a cool idea. Our grand-dogger Petra loves to drink water from the bottle as we're refilling her water bowl.

    It sounds like you're really good at making your humans work for the photos. Good job! Our critters are great at photo avoidance, too, but I sometimes manage to get a good one. :)

    Have a blessed day.

  20. Great answers, and we enjoyed your bloopers ! Purrs

  21. Do you know that you favour your left side when posing, CK? i can see's a perfect side.


  22. We think you might enjoy this blog hop just a little too much, CK, all at poor TW's expense! We kind of like the lighting in that photo of you by Pop's computer though. If you had just turned to look at the camera, it might have been a perfect pose!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets


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